

3.2.3 - Fixed compatibility issue with Joomla 3.5.1
3.2.2 - Fixed compatibility issue with Joomla 3.5 (reCAPTCHA again)
- Some cosmetic changes in the Options section
3.2.1 - reCAPTCHA problem solved
3.2.0 - Added Bcc: option
- Replaced reCAPTCHA with Joomla's own plugin   
3.1.8 - Fixed occasional mailing problem
3.1.7 - Added SSL override option
- Added Custom CSS option
3.1.6 - Fixed incompatibility with K2
3.1.5 - Fixed class naming convention issue introduced by J!3.1.4
3.1.4 * Security Release *
- Fixed XSS Vulnerability
3.1.3 - Fixed SSL reCAPTCHA bug
3.1.2 - Fixed JQuery implementation
3.1.1 - Minor code changes to improve stability
3.1.0 - Included support for Multilingual sites
3.0.0 - Initial J!3 release !
- Unlimited optional fields
- Optional reset button


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